
14th of March 2023

Are you interested in becoming a volunteer at The Willochra Home? We would love to hear from you!

The Willochra Home offers a range of daily activities for our Residents.

· We encourage exercise by offering Tai Chi and Thursday Morning ‘Aerobics’.

· Our competitive streak comes out with word and number bingo days, as well as when we play carpet bowls and putt putt golf!

· Our Residents get creative in the kitchen on cooking mornings.

· We have ‘pamper sessions’ on Wednesdays and Fridays with nail care and hairdressing.

· We have a number of entertainers who visit the Home to sing for our Residents.

· We have weekly Church Services in our Chapel.

· Our Residents also choose their activity of choice each Friday after lunch.

· We have ‘Men’s Group’ or better known as the ‘Friday Afternoon BBQ’. We encourage our Residents to sit out in the BBQ area and enjoy each other’s company, whilst having a sausage in bread and a beverage.

· We celebrate everyone’s birthday at Willochra. Our lovely kitchen team bakes the birthday cakes and decorates them. We are very lucky!

· We have recently fundraised for a new bus! We endeavour to have lots of bus outings (weather permitting).

· The Willochra Home utilises the Crystal Brook Op-Shop every February – this is one of our biggest fundraisers for the year!

· We have lots of fundraising events throughout the year.

· We celebrate all significant days in the year to support and include all staff, as we pride ourselves on being a multicultural workforce.

These are just a few of the things we do here as part of our Activities Program.

If you have some new and exciting ideas, we are eager to hear them!

As a volunteer you don’t have set hours; but our activity times are usually 10:30am and 1:30pm.

All volunteers must have a current National Police Check, Aged Care Sector Employment Check, and Working With Children Check. If you do not have these checks, we are able to apply for them for you.

Please contact The Willochra Home on 08 8636 2320 or email admin@willochraagedcare.org.au for a Volunteers Information Pack.

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