'Home to Care' - A Few Helpful Tips
Making the decision to begin the journey for your loved one to move into an aged care home can be quite an emotional process. The Management at The Willochra Home understand this, and are always willing to have a conversation with you about any questions or concerns you may have via phone call or in person.
There are a lot of things to think about when a loved one goes into a nursing home.
- What are the daily/monthly fees?
- How many days respite are they entitled to?
- Will they be respite or permanent?
- What paper work is included?
- What about their finances?
- Who will their doctor be?
- Do they need an Advance Care Directive?
These are just a few of the questions that everyone has on their mind.
The Willochra Home provides many brochures/pamphlets to assist families with these questions, and we also receive emails from OPAN, ARAS, Talking Aged Care, and many more which promote health and wellbeing within Aged Care, and helpful hints and tips for our loved ones and their families within the transitioning process.
Here are a few helpful websites that will assist you with starting this process:
https://www.myagedcare.gov.au/ (Information about Aged Care Services)
https://advancecaredirectives.sa.gov.au/ (Advance Care Directives)
https://pottsduhring.com.au/home (Financial Planning)
https://www.agedcareguide.com.au/talking-aged-care (Informative Articles)
Most of all, if you believe it is time for your loved one to be in care, please speak to your regular
If you have chosen The Willochra Home for your loved one to reside in and would like to start the
application journey, please contact:
Leonie Gibbons:
Email: rcm@willochraagedcare.org.au
Phone: 0490 077 134