June 2021
There is always something new and exciting happening at The Willochra Home!
In January we said goodbye to our General Manager, Pam Charnock. Pam was with us for 3 years, and during that time made some big changes and improvements to our Home.
February was a very busy month for us. We had the official opening of Rosier Cottage, where Staff, Residents, Family Members, and Community Members all gathered together for the small ceremony. CEO Gavin Tyndale opened the ceremony, and Bishop John Stead officially opened our new wing – Rosier Cottage.
In April we celebrated Easter. All of our Residents were given a lovely Easter gift to enjoy. We had a cooking day with one of our valued volunteers for ANZAC Day, and of course our ANZAC Day service.
May was busy ensuring that everyone is up to date with their annual FluVax. This includes staff, residents, volunteers, friends, families and contractors.
In June we were able to celebrate all of our Mothers’ in the Home with a lovely rose as a gift. We also celebrated National Reconciliation Day. Each Friday we have a ‘Men’s Group’. One of our NDIS staff members cooks the barbecue for the gentlemen in the Home, and they sit around the table and enjoy a chat, beer and food with friends and local community members.