Friday, 4th of June, 2021
Hi everyone,
As we are now in the winter season, we would like to inform all of our lovely friends, families, visitors, and volunteers, of the requirements for entering a Residential Aged Care Facility.
As per the fact sheet from SA Health – Information for Visitors to Residential Aged Care Facilities
Flu vaccination requirements
From 1 June 2021, you must be vaccinated against 2021 seasonal influenza in order to visit a RACF in SA.
The only exemptions to this requirement are:
- If you have a medical contraindication to the flu vaccine (such as a person who has a history of anaphylaxis or has had Guillain-Barré Syndrome following vaccination, or who is taking check point inhibitor medication for cancer treatment).
- You will need to provide the RACF with a letter from a medical practitioner to confirm this before they will allow you to visit.
- If you are following the recommended 14 day waiting period between receiving the COVID-19 vaccine and the influenza vaccine.
- You will need to provide evidence of the date of receipt of a COVID-19 vaccination to the RACF and take all reasonable steps to ensure you are vaccinated as soon as is reasonably practicable following the preferred minimum interval of 14 days between administration of the COVID-19 vaccine and the influenza vaccine.
- If all reasonable steps have been taken to access the flu vaccine and it is not reasonably available.
- Infants aged 6 months or younger.
Visitors will be asked to provide evidence of their immunisation status when visiting. Appropriate evidence may include a statement or record from a health practitioner, or an immunisation history statement available from Medicare online or the Express Plus Medicare mobile app.
If you have any further questions or queries, please contact The Willochra Home on (08) 8636 2320.
We thank everyone for their co-operation, as our Residents’ health and wellbeing is our main focus.
Leonie Gibbons
Residential Care Manager