Casual Cook / Kitchen Hand

Casual Cook / Kitchen Hand We are currently seeking applications for a kitchen hand / home cook to join our kitchen team. We have 3 chefs currently rostered on in our kitchen, which assists us to provide high quality meals for our Residents. We were fortunate to implement the kitchen changes ahead of time back…


The Willochra Home is actively seeking applications for a casual cleaner to join our team. Attributes: Kind, Good Time Management, Willingness to Work as a Team Member, Flexible with Rostering, Self-Motivated, Problem Solving Skills, Communicates Effectively, Sense of Humour. As part of this role, you will be accountable for: ‐ Provide quality housekeeping / cleaning tasks…


The Willochra Home is currently seeking applications for a casual cleaner to join our team. As part of this role, you will be responsible to the Residential Care Manager for the provision of efficient and effective housekeeping cleaning tasks to ensure the provision of a safe environment for residents, staff and visitors. In addition, the…

Lifestyle Coordinator

10th of March 2023 The Lifestyle Coordinator at The Willochra Home will mentor and lead the lifestyle team to deliver and enhance the quality of life for our Residents, and to support the goals of the Home in line with the Aged Care Accreditation Standards. As the Lifestyle Coordinator, you will be responsible for the…

COVID19 Update and Entry Requirements

07.02.2023 Dear Family Member, Firstly, I would like to thank both family members and residents for your upmost cooperation since the COVID 19 was introduced to us.I now, feel competent in allowing visitors into the facility with NO restrictions on visiting hours. We are also asking that family members, understand and respect this decision and…

Update on Masks

30th of January 2023 Dear Friends, Family Members and Representatives, Subject: Masks Firstly, we would like to thank everyone for their cooperation with wearing surgical masks as a form of protection for both yourselves, our Staff, and our Residents. We understand it has been a very trying time for everyone, but the health and wellbeing…

Kitchen Hand – Cook

1st November 2022 The Willochra Home is seeking applications for a 9:30am – 5:30pm Kitchen Hand-Tea Cook.This role includes:• Assisting with the breakfast and lunch time dishes• Setting up lunch time trays for Residents who dine in their room• Setting dining tables for the lunch time meal• Assisting the morning cook (7:30am – 3:30pm) with…

Aged Care Cook

1st November 2022 The Willochra Home is seeking applications for a Cook to work in our Commercial Kitchen. Providing Nutritional Home cooked Meals to our Residents.This role includes:• Preparation and cooking meals, morning and afternoon teas, inline with Residents’ individual requirements including the preparation of Modified diets. Excluding breakfast• Ordering and Restocking, following Willochra guidelines.•…

Updated Visiting Restrictions

21st of September 2022 As you may be aware through the news and social media, the change to visiting restrictions into a RACF will become effective from Friday 23rd of September 2022. Visitors entering a Residential Aged Care Facility (RACF) will no longer be required to be vaccinated against influenza or COVID19. However, it is…